About Me

My photo
Hello I am JimBo, and I am a weekend photographer. Amateur all the way!! Ok, this blog is to enhance my web sight photobyjimbo.com. And is where I offer a little explanation for my photos. I am not any kind of a technical genius at all. I work with an Adobe Photoshop “Elements 2.0” and that is a better program then any CS2 program in that you don’t have to go to school to learn how to use it. I am an adrenalin junkie!! I grew up surfing, got into white water kayaking and rafting. Skydiving, skiing, Hang gliding and Para gliding, and now this year I will have a trike flying this summer, and also I will get into filmmaking. Now we will be able take you for a ride soon! And the reason for my blog is… I want to make as many friends as possible so as when I have a film release there will be a fallowing I hope! Here is my DoorPost Film Project web sight. www.thedoorpost.com/freeair this is a great sight for anyone who is playing with the idea of breaking into the industry. So thank you for coming by and remember, every time you pick up a camera and when you are composing, don’t forget to “See the Light” JimBo


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Friday, March 13, 2009

Self portrait!

Self portrait! I’ve been flying hang gliders since 1988 “self taught” pilot. And started Para gliding “self taught” in 2001. This year I am putting together a Trike and will be flying this spring, Can you say “Areal Camera Platform”? Cool ha! Well this photo was taken with my MINOLTA X-700 with a 16mm SIGMA fisheye lens. I used a Bogen Magic arm too mount my camera too the left down tube! 20lbs!! And no effect on balance or handling, the glider is a Wells Wing 180 Attack Duck with a nice keel. I tried this with my HP, and the moment I left the ground I had an extreme right turn. I was flying hanging more too my left to keep the glider flying somewhat straight! Landing was really exciting! But I pulled it off nicely. See Page9

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