About Me

My photo
Hello I am JimBo, and I am a weekend photographer. Amateur all the way!! Ok, this blog is to enhance my web sight photobyjimbo.com. And is where I offer a little explanation for my photos. I am not any kind of a technical genius at all. I work with an Adobe Photoshop “Elements 2.0” and that is a better program then any CS2 program in that you don’t have to go to school to learn how to use it. I am an adrenalin junkie!! I grew up surfing, got into white water kayaking and rafting. Skydiving, skiing, Hang gliding and Para gliding, and now this year I will have a trike flying this summer, and also I will get into filmmaking. Now we will be able take you for a ride soon! And the reason for my blog is… I want to make as many friends as possible so as when I have a film release there will be a fallowing I hope! Here is my DoorPost Film Project web sight. www.thedoorpost.com/freeair this is a great sight for anyone who is playing with the idea of breaking into the industry. So thank you for coming by and remember, every time you pick up a camera and when you are composing, don’t forget to “See the Light” JimBo


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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Click here for more photos

Fire! A house down the street from me was burning down a week before Christmas.
So I grab my camera and went for a walk. With camera in hand I step over the “DO NOT CROSS THIS LINE” tape. And walk on as if I belong there. The trick is, do not make eye contact with anyone with authority. Do not stand under any power lines. Do not stand on or in hoes, or were you are in a hoes loop. Walk around the hoes. Do not put your self in the position to where a fire man has to tell you to move or get out of the way. Move in take your shot then move away. Use a long or zoom lens. Do not get in the way of anyone. Take your photos and then get out of there. Don’t wait for anyone to ask you what you are doing. Just step back across the line. You are done.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bell 407

Today after work coming home by the Hospital a Bell 407 was sitting there so I pulled in to photograph it. The Bell 407 is one of my favorite helicopters. This one has a customer going for a 100 mile ride. This is a really nice Helli and a great photo op for anyone.
Click the header Bell407 above, to see more.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dust and the light

Dust in the sun light makes for a great light diffuser. It my be hard on the camera, but not missing a shot that nobody ells is willing to get, is what will set you apart from everyone ells.

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Eagles, Play as you read and explore my blog....enjoy

The Eagles, Play as you read and explore my blog....enjoy

Good Morning Mr. Sun Shine

As a heavy equipment operator in North Dakota, I find my self getting up before the sun to hit the road. Almost 1 hour later the sun is coming up and this is the west rim of White Earth Valley on Highway 2. Sometimes you find a great shot just looking right into the sun wile going to work.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Great Day For Flying

Aaron was up side down on his Falcon. I laid on my back in the LZ and Aaron performed some loops straight above me. This was taken at Lake Chelan Washington, the LZ is on the river side, and it was a great day of flying for everybody.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hi Key Portrait

This is a studio portrait I did with a young lady I knew from my school days, I used two flash heads with soft boxes, Speed-O- torn brown line 1000wps light heads with a white back drop. I shot this photo with my 4X5 view camera! Black and white film and under exposed by one stop.

Mechelle Hensley

My philosophy in shooting a portrait is, get the sole too. That’s right! I like to get the sole and put it my little black box… lol, the relationship between the camera and the person should be between the lens and the eyes. I never center the lens higher then the noise. Capture the eyes, and you get everything ells in one click! Fallow this simple rule and you will capture the sole, and that’s where you will find the light of the portrait.


This portrait of my boss Von was taken in the morning hours on a street side coffee stand. The very best time for taking portraits out doors, is in the morning hours. Film and morning sunlight was made for one another. And in the late afternoon is also a excellent time for portraits. I shot Von with my Mamiya RB 67. With a 90mm lens and a Bellows lens hood on tripod. For exposure I wanted a shallow Depth of field so I used my meter to find my shutter speed. My F-stop was 5.6 and this gave me a quick shutter speed.


Here is an example of what you can do with PhotoShop; you have the best of all worlds, color, Black & white and Art! Here I had taken the original color photo of Von, and turned it into a black and white and a watercolor panting!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Snow Aliens from Space!

I don't know how to say this...but just say it! Snow Aliens from Space! yah that's right!! Snow Aliens from Space! I have nothing more to say about that! Just see for your self and you figure it out! see Click here

Friday, March 13, 2009

Me!... taking a flying leap off a cliff! And that is the Missouri River just south of Williston North Dakota! Yah Sir, Badland Flying!
The glider is a WellsWing Ram Air and I paid $500.00 for it! Oh yah and to think i can out fly a topless glider with it! Can I say "I feel Good"
Click here

another example of a PhotoShop

Here is another example of a PhotoShop portrait of my niece. Originally this was her senior portrait, and I cut her out and past it into my Steptoe photo. I used my MINOLTA X-370s with a 80-200mm zoom lens and Kodak PROFISSIONAL 160NC Film I usually set my meter at ASA100 and get great results. When buying a camera you should know the very best cameras on the market are the cameras that cost the less. All you need is…a light tight box with the ability to attach your favorite lens to, and a TTL meter. The camera noted above search it out and you will find it cost less then most pocket digital cameras! Now you are taking high end photos using professional film. Process your film only, then bring it home to you new scanner, I have an EPSON PERFECTION 4490 PHOTO, and that scans Negative and positives “Slides” And the color is fantastic! Film will never go away!Click on my link Page2

Self portrait!

Self portrait! I’ve been flying hang gliders since 1988 “self taught” pilot. And started Para gliding “self taught” in 2001. This year I am putting together a Trike and will be flying this spring, Can you say “Areal Camera Platform”? Cool ha! Well this photo was taken with my MINOLTA X-700 with a 16mm SIGMA fisheye lens. I used a Bogen Magic arm too mount my camera too the left down tube! 20lbs!! And no effect on balance or handling, the glider is a Wells Wing 180 Attack Duck with a nice keel. I tried this with my HP, and the moment I left the ground I had an extreme right turn. I was flying hanging more too my left to keep the glider flying somewhat straight! Landing was really exciting! But I pulled it off nicely. See Page9

Adobe PhotoShop is always fun thing to play with.

Adobe PhotoShop is always fun thing to play with.
Here is my friend Grant Brooks, of Brooks Scenic Flights of Coeur D’ Alene Idaho. Grant‘s Father “Dad” been flying off this city dock for more years then I will ever know! Grant, some customers and I were just standing around when I just snap this shot of Grant. Then I spent the day walking around the city beach and over by the collage taking photos of what ever! At home I down loaded my photos off my Olympus E-500 and began to play with what I got. Here I cut Grant out of the quick snap shot I took, then I have several landings shots of his DeHavilland Beaver, so I past Grant into a photo of one of the several landings he made that day. The Program I almost used exclusively is Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0 and I do have the CS2 PhotoShop and Illustrator CS2. Elements is an easy program to use. See Page1 also see page 3.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I have to say, my favorite subject is the woman, her face, her form, her beauty. Next to this subject are flowers! These two compliment one another. It is what makes this world a beautiful place to live. We can find grace in form and color. So if you are a beautiful young woman or a flower, call me! I will be happy to photograph you. Lindsay was photograph with my MINOLTA X-700 with a CPC 80-200mm zoom lens. Film was Kodak Professional 160NC. You can see Lindsay and other examples of portraits I have done on Page4 .

Snow Men

The coolest photo I’d ever taken was on MT Spokane, Skiing on New Years day, and I was up on B-29 the sky was heavy and over cast, snowing, and blowing! And then as if God said…. “Hay Check this out!” and there was light. It was the first photo of the day. And I took a few more as the sky began to brake up and the sunlight started peeking in on the day. I found the shadow that was closes to 18% gray and metered off of that. TTL meter on my Olympus E 500 7MP Digital camera with 40- 150mm 1:3.5-4.5, zoom lens.
Notice I don’t give the F Stop or even the shutter speed! Yes I hand held the camera and I have a fairly good depth of filed going on here, but the best Tec info I can give here is what I metered for to get the right exposure. I have 3 more photos on Page1

Looking for lunch!

I used my Olympus E 500 7MP Digital camera with 40- 150mm 1:3.5-4.5, zoom lens, to get this Turkey Vulture, Yah they were just hang out in the wind looking for…”Lunch” I know , it was a little creepy when they fallowed me around for an hour or so. But eventually they went away!Check them out, Page6

Meet Brew,

Meet Brew,
Helli Pilot and his Hughes 500E hanging out at Sturgis Biker Week 08. If you should ever go and check into Sturgis during biker week, you need to stop in and say hi to Brew, and take a ride on the wild side! Take your camera! I used my MINOLTA X-370 with SIGMA FISHEYE Filtermatic 1:2.8 f = 16mm lens. Film Kodak asa200. Forget the F-stop, I hand held the camera at a shutter speed of 125, and ask the magic meter for my F Stop. You can find my Helli Ride photos on Page7

Work, Work, and more Work!

People are always asking me what I do for work! Well right now I am a heavy equipment operator. Now and then I take my camera to work and photograph some of are jobs we have done and the equipment we use. It is actuality a fun way to make a living. Think about it kids love there Tonka Trucks!! Start at Page7 and go to pages 11, 12, & 13 for more of my photos from work.

race day

You are in a new town and nothing to do right! Well a co workers son was in a motocross race and she asked me if I would take some photos. Ok I thought I would be happy to. The photos on Pages 6 & 7 were the results of that weekend for me. I used my Olympus E 500 7MP Digital camera with 40- 150mm 1:3.5-4.5, zoom lens. To my surprise they let me on the track. Here is how a sample how my day went.